wild pink: The Shining But Tropical

1 min read

Wild Pink es un grupo norteamericano de indie rock. Ellos y ellas son de los condados de Brooklyn y Queens en Nueva York.


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Wild Pink, la banda neoyorquina del cantante John Ross, el bajista TC Brownell y el baterista Dan Keegan han anunciado su tercer álbum de estudio: A Billion Little Lights llega el 19 de febrero de 2021 a través de Royal Mountain Records.

El anuncio está acompañado por el sencillo «The Shining But Tropical» y su video musical con Annie Murphy. Vea el clip, dirigido y editado por Justin Singer, a continuación.

A Billion Little Lights:

01 The Wind Was Like a Train
02 Bigger Than Christmas
03 The Shining But Tropical
04 Amalif
05 Oversharers Anonymous
06 You Can Have It Back
07 Family Friends
08 Track Mud
09 Pacific City
10 Die Outside


The Shining But Tropical

Back when your mind was wild you Hallucinated, you were terrified With the storm that was coming your way The plan was to float away Face down In the San Francisco Bay On a clear blue day Where from way up high the coast is a crisp line And all the microscopic life like a billion little lights Become a single living thing All beginning from a single cell And now I can’t unring the bell And I want to remember every single thing Just not who I used to be Picked your poison with the best of them Now you slap their question from your face You want peace you want love You deserve that much Weeping through the show about space Your lily hand was pressed to the screen You were free but you were stuck for years You could sing but you had nothing to say You want peace you want love You deserve that much

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